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Portfolio Landlords

There are landlords and there are landlords. Some are what we call “accidental” landlords, who decided to let their property as an alternative to selling. Others are somewhat inadequately regarded as “amateur” landlords, who have a single investment property

Short Sole

Most estate agents make similar claims about their ability to secure the highest possible price, in the shortest possible time, with the least possible inconvenience.
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House prices rise Quarter 3 2018

Residential property prices rise Land Property Services assisted by the Northern Ireland Statistics Research Agency today released the House Price Index report for Quarter 3 2018. The Index measures change in the price of residential property sold in Northern Ireland (NI). The Index uses stam...

Useful suggestions in presenting your property

Are you confident at showcasing your home to entice potential buyers are you maximising your property's saleability? If you can answer NO to these questions then we are here to help you Presentation is the most important factor when selling your house. Photographs are the first thing to a...